New UI Progress


Since I can't really release an update with a half working interface, I thought I might as well update you guys on how are things coming along!

So the progress is slow but steady. To be honest I heavily underestimated the time and workload required to completely revamp all the menus BUT... I'm quite happy with the results, as always I'm learning as I go and there is still a couple things that don't quite sit right with me but polishing details out will be the last step. So far I might be through with about 70% of the main menus and have not yet touched the in game interface (witch will be a lot of work too).

On top of that I decided to utilize SDXL as I mentioned in my last post, so with the new menu we will also get some higher quality character cards to go along with it and that slaps additional development time on top of everything. All in all I think the switch from SD 1.5 to SDXL is the right call since it gives me way more flexibility and allows me to fix some of the artifacts on character arts even after the release witch was hardly possible with my previous workflow.

Either way, all that talk aside, here is another little sneak peek on the new interface 

I don't want to show too much since I want everyone to experience it first hand but a little tease never killed anyone (I hope)

I probably won't be writing another status update for the interface unless it's actually ready to release, just a heads up that there might be radio silence but it doesn't mean I'm not working on it!

As for what's next, I arranged some plans to expand the amount of available weapons, hopefully I can get some interesting ideas and possibly a new map, maybe not the big one that lives rent free in my head for forever now but something to break away from these green fields. Also story chapters will be back with the new interface, I promise!

Till next time!

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