Update 1.6.0 HF2


I did a bit of an oopsie with the latest update so I was forced to push out a new version with these fixes buuuut I also managed to squeeze in a few minor tweaks that may catch your interest. 

Let's have a look around


  • First fix is for Memory Fragments not merging, leaving a bunch of fragments laying on the ground at once. This could affect performance of less powerful devices. Fortunately the max limit of these things laying around still worked but that meant players could not venture out in a way where enemies would still drop fragments.
  • Another bug had to do with buying gems with gold. Game incorrectly checked if players have enough gold and when attempting to buy gems with insufficient amount of gold the value flipped giving players virtually infinite amount of gold. If you are affected you can open up savefile.json in game's directory and modify your gold amount ("Gold" entry) to reasonable value. If you don't care about fixing it then enjoy infinite gold :)
  • Once again, players were unable to obtain completion badges for characters after winning a game
  • There was a small issue where enemies continued to spawn even when game was paused, minor inconvenience that have been fixed as well
  • Summer's rank up descriptions didn't match the actual buffs provided in some cases.

New stuff

  • Added Short play mode, it's like the normal mode but instead of playing for 30 minutes, each game will take 15 minutes. Exp gain and enemy health have been adjusted accordingly. This mode is still in early phase of testing so expect more adjustments in the future.
  • In game controls can now be remapped from settings menu.
  • Summer's ultimate have been changed since I wasn't quite happy with her previous one
  • Oana's ultimate also got some more particles

Balance stuff

  • Nishi's ultimate now scales with his stats. Meaning it can crit, scale with in game damage boosts and so on
  • Nishi's S2 will now release 8 lightning bolts over time instead of 3 instantly whenever casting an ultimate

And that's it, sorry for the inconvenience caused by some of these bugs!


requiem-for-a-lost-world-windows-beta.zip 1.2 GB
Version 31 May 07, 2024
Requiem for a Lost World 1.6.0 U6.apk 939 MB
Version 5 May 07, 2024

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